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Product Name:KS-7045D
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- 可互换的20倍宽视野目镜,2倍物镜,LED照明和动臂支架。
- 双目观察头具有50至77毫米的瞳孔范围和30度的倾斜度以减轻眼睛和颈部的压力。
- 具有可互换的WF10x18mm和WF20x10mm目镜对,与1x物镜结合,可提供20x和40x的放大倍率,以及更长的工作距离,可用于检查需要处理或修理的大型样品。

- Interchangeable 20x wide field eyepiece, 2x objective, LED lighting and boom stand.
- The binocular viewing head has a pupil range of 50 to 77 mm and a 30-degree inclination to reduce eye and neck pressure.
- Featuring interchangeable WF10x18mm and WF20x10mm eyepiece pairs, combined with the 1x objective, it provides 20x and 40x magnification, as well as a longer working distance for inspection of large samples that need to be handled or repaired.